Heather and Reagan’s wedding day was finally here! Heather (and her family) are from the same part of the county I am... Northern Virginia (it’s funny because people from Northern Virginia are VERY quick to make that distinction, so as not to be confused with the rest of the state of Virginia, it’s like it’s own little state or something. I never really noticed that until my native-Austinite wife pointed it out on a visit a few years back! I digress….
So, for the record, Heather and Reagan have been really good luck for me (or maybe it’s the other way around?!?). I have captured some of my all-time favorite wedding and engagement images with them. Their engagement pictures were great, we lucked out with this very groovy field at the end of that shoot and their wedding was no exception. Great location, the church was so cool,the time of day couldn’t have been better and we had such great light pouring in from the side windows!
As always click on the image to see the full size.