Tuesday, March 30, 2010
North Carolina

Monday, March 8, 2010
Sunrise Over Lake Austin
Christinana and Pete are so perfect for each other, they are one of those couples that complement each other very well.
They meet over seas.
While stationed together.
In a Iraq!
What I thought was really interesting was our first meeting together talking about their wedding and I asked them from a photographic standpoint what was most important to them and Pete replied the “posed pictures...”.
No one has ever said that to me, now keep in mind almost every couple I’ve ever worked with wanted some kind of posed picture but without fail just about all of them were most interested in the candid images, you know more of the documentation of the day type of images. He wasn’t done “...because I come from a family of photographers who will all be hauling around their Canon 1Ds’ (it’s a $6000 camera) getting plenty of candid wedding day shots.”
A room full of veteran, seasoned photographers watching me, critiquing me... judging me. Their is a joke that goes:
“How many photographers does it take to change a lightbulb? 20. One to change it and 19 to tell you how they would do it differently.”
So that joke probably isn’t that funny if you don’t shoot for a living but it KILLS at photographer get-togethers. Oh and I am totally guilty of that myself, I’ll see an image somewhere and think to myself “Wow that lighting was weak.”, or “Boy if they had just moved a foot the right.” or my favorite “Who are they freaking kidding with that Photoshop job?!?”. Don’t get me wrong I see way more stuff that I think is really good but that still leaves me come wedding day in a room with what I’m guessing will be 3-5 REALLY good photographers and me. Then again who knows, I may pickup something new!
OK enough ranting onto the engagement pics!