Monday, April 26, 2010
Kristen and Clayton Engagement

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
My Poor Mistreated Children

Monday, April 19, 2010
Sofia and Derek
Party on a Sunday afternoon at the Vintage Villas! The day of their wedding the weather started out lousy - cloudy, raining - nothing really redeemable about the day if you were having a wedding (now if you’re a fish or just wishing Lake Travis to fill up and get rid of some those islands you were in luck, but alas Sofia and Derek were neither). As fate would have it, right before the ceremony kicked-off the clouds parted and it turned into an amazingly beautiful day... just the kind of day you always wanted to get married on!

Friday, April 16, 2010
Drury Lane Studios
This goes to show the power of M&M’s. For my long time readers you all will recognize my pride and joy under their baking attire, Cole, Emma Grace and Caleb. I’ve been wanting to do this shoot for about six months now in an industrial kitchen but one never presented itself so we shot it in our breakfast nook!
***click the images to enlarge***

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.
I wish they had senior pictures like this when I was in school... maybe I would have picked up a camera earlier in life!
This was a great shoot, for all their bravado teenage boys (sounds weird to say boys, I can’t say teenage men and teenage males sounds a little sterile like I’m a cop or a lab tech), tend to be a bit shy in front of the camera but Ryan nailed it. Oh and if you didn’t notice another Austinite headed to Aggie Land.
Austin, Mayfield Park, Aggie, A&M, senior

Friday, April 2, 2010
Long Center Engagement
I am so psyched to work with Mary and Jamieson! From the first time we met they were so easy to get along with, we hit it off right away. Come wedding day something I am really looking forward to is the music! They are both deeply involved with all kinds music, and it’s my understanding so are their friends. Oh, and a bunch of them are performing the day of the wedding! I thought it was REALLY cool than they wanted to be photographed in front of the Long Center because it holds a lot of personal meaning to both of them. Stay tuned…. Mary has a bridal coming up soon.