Kaysie and David’s big day is coming up in late October and for their engagement they really wanted to do a sunset shoot at the Pennybacker Bridge (360 Bridge) which is fine other than it’s 130 degrees at sunset these days. Then we got the bright idea about a sunRISE shoot, only 80 degrees. Brilliant!
Kaysie and David have one those amazing “How we met” stories, they should really be on one those wedding shows and for sure get published in “Modern Bride”.... hmmmm. The story is long and detailed but it ends with “if you love someone set them free” endings.
I’m thinking of taking a tape recorder to their wedding and getting the details on tape for all my both my readers To top it off they are a genuinely nice couple, are totally committed to giving back to the community and making the world a better place. She works with, mentors and inspires incarcerated teenagers (giving back) and he’s an environmental artist for a gaming company here in town (making MY world a better place!).
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