Monday, November 22, 2010
The Blog Have Moved!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Epic in Shiner
Over the last year and half I’ve booked a lot of brides over the phone (a lot), I don’t know why it’s just worked out that way. Maybe I have some great phone voice that I never realized??? Anyway not to get off track, coming up in May two out five weddings will be of happy couples I never met before. Wow! The great thing is I get to trapes all across Texas... does that make me a destination wedding photographer?
So Carli and Claudio where a little bit different, Carli booked me a while back and I got the chance to meet both of them briefly about a month before the wedding so at least we weren’t total strangers.
The wedding was epic (they have the pose to prove it) and totally beat any expectation of a back yard wedding, wait until you see the “tent”.
I had a great time, the day and evening were perfect and hope to head back to Shiner real soon for yet another wedding.
Oh and did I mention this is one out of three Aggie weddings in a row? Don’t get me wrong I love my Aggies but for an Austin guy that’s pretty good! For the record my loyalties lie in East Tennessee.

Monday, April 26, 2010
Kristen and Clayton Engagement

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
My Poor Mistreated Children

Monday, April 19, 2010
Sofia and Derek
Party on a Sunday afternoon at the Vintage Villas! The day of their wedding the weather started out lousy - cloudy, raining - nothing really redeemable about the day if you were having a wedding (now if you’re a fish or just wishing Lake Travis to fill up and get rid of some those islands you were in luck, but alas Sofia and Derek were neither). As fate would have it, right before the ceremony kicked-off the clouds parted and it turned into an amazingly beautiful day... just the kind of day you always wanted to get married on!