Over the last year and half I’ve booked a lot of brides over the phone (a lot), I don’t know why it’s just worked out that way. Maybe I have some great phone voice that I never realized??? Anyway not to get off track, coming up in May two out five weddings will be of happy couples I never met before. Wow! The great thing is I get to trapes all across Texas... does that make me a destination wedding photographer?
So Carli and Claudio where a little bit different, Carli booked me a while back and I got the chance to meet both of them briefly about a month before the wedding so at least we weren’t total strangers.
The wedding was epic (they have the pose to prove it) and totally beat any expectation of a back yard wedding, wait until you see the “tent”.
I had a great time, the day and evening were perfect and hope to head back to Shiner real soon for yet another wedding.
Oh and did I mention this is one out of three Aggie weddings in a row? Don’t get me wrong I love my Aggies but for an Austin guy that’s pretty good! For the record my loyalties lie in East Tennessee.

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